The RedBloodClub wasn't good, it didn't have any information, it just had links, it didn't show anything.
The HRODC site was also bad the site was hard to read and it was very busy and boring.
The fast cars site was good, it was simple, it had information
2.News articles - Natural Disasters....find two articles save them in your delicious account. Briefly write about the natural disaster in your blogger.
I found a article about the flood in Myanmar Junta.
2.Find examples of 'good' and 'bad' website design. Write a blog post and hyperlink to one 'good' web page and one 'bad' web page. Describe and explain why you have chosen these. Discuss how you could use some of the features you found on these websites in your Disaster website. Remember you must consider the following parameters: Navigation, Colour scheme, Alignment of objects and text, Spelling and Grammar...what else is important? ( good website)
this is a good website because it has good information,its not very busy, its not boring, it has pictures, the colors are simple. This site would help me alot in my project because I understand the words and its very clear. (bad website)
this is a bad website because it doesn't have any good information, its very boring, it has alot of links and it doesn't look interesting. I wouldn't want to read this to help in my project because it has alot of words i don't understand it has alot of information that i might not need and alot of links.
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