Thursday, March 26, 2009


 This Is one of our examples of bullying 

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Week 1 - Find Websites for bullying,
Week 2 - Make The Games
Week 3 - Continue Making the Games
Week 4 - Add Finishing Touches

Changes in our plan-
Week 1 - Find websites about bullying
Week 2 - Make the Games
Week 3 - Changed Project
Week 4 - finish power point nd add finishing touches


4. Comment on how well you worked on the project.
I think i did good on the project, i worked well but Mr.Jones thinks that i didnt do anywork.
5.What did you do well?
i did the pwerpoint slides well
6. What could you improve upon?
Maybe i could add a little of information to our powerpoint
7.What would you do differently...and why?
I Wanted to do games but it didnt work out well, if we had much more time i would do games because it is more interesting to know about.
8. Compare your predicted time plan with the actual project process and give reasons for changes.
it was diffrent because we took more time finding websites for games and at the end we didnt do games we changed our prject to power point.

9. Comment on any difficulties you had while doing this project and how you overcame them.
we had troubled with finding games to do, we first overcame them by making the games animations but then we didnt have time so we changed it to power point.
10.Mention feedback you received from your testers and summarise / analyse the results.
My Teacher Got very ngry beasue he said that we didnt do anything and that we dont have screen shot, i agree on the screen shots but we didnt have any because we didnt have anything to picture but now beacause we finished our Power Point presentation i will now put som scree shots on my blogger :D
11. Explain the impact of your project. product on;
• Yourself - I learnt alot about bullying adn i created a great power point presentation to help kids being bullyed.
• Others - I gave information for kids being bullied to be much more safe and not be scared to tell an adult.
• The environment/society - It ,aked the playgrounds in school safer to be in and also other places.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

We have spent the last 2 weeks trying to find websites that show us how to make games but we couldn't find anything , now we decided to change our group from games to a bullying power point. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Me and my group spent the last 4 lessons trying to find sites that show us how we could make games and animations.        

Saturday, February 28, 2009

How can I make use of established and emerging technology tools to support media awareness about bullying in school? What are the best tools to use for effective communication?
You can use them to show how bad bullying in school is and how it effects all the kids in a bad way , also how to deal with bullying or bullying without being aware of it.
Videos , Games and very creative colourful brochures.

What are the features of each animation software? In other words, describe what each can do and what they can create.

Brochures ; Can Be Passed around to people , if they are colourful they might be very attractive to children and their attitude towards bullying.

Posters ; The same as brochures they must be colourful and useful to attract the children to be affective.

games ; They Are very Fun , And The Children Will Learn In A Fun & Safe Environment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each one?

The advantage of games out of the 3 is that they're learning while playing a fun game , children learn better when the affect of learning if out in a attractive way .

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bullying Investigation

What is Bullying ? 
Bullying is when people hit, kick, tease, call names etc ...   to other people . 
Bulling can happen anywhere, anyplace.

All the websites I looked at are well designed and their information is clear for all ages, all different people look at bullying websites , like kids,counsellors,parents and teenagers everyone looks at bullying websites for alot of different reasons. 
Usually the websites are for us to get some information from but in some different websites you can do alot of things , some have quizzes or games to help you learn better. But some of the games are usually made for kids but sometimes they are hard which is then supposed to be for teenagers.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ending Evaluation

My project is working well, the video is working, the buttons are working and all the pictures show clearly. Yes, it is doing everything I wanted it to do and its doing good.
At first it was hard working with the design cycle but then I got used to it. So for each of the steps I did good and it all worked out okay . :D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Client Meeting

1. Your design and layout of your web pages - does it fit your drawing/plan 
  To be honest i didn't really design my web page in the exact way  drew it, i added pore pictures and changed the place of the links.
2. Your topic and research. What have you dine in class? 
   I found alot of things for my research, i got information and facts. In class I finished my I Web site but i have to put in my reference page and fix up the links to the different pages. 
3. Colour, font and the use of multimedia
    I have alot of different fonts and colours every where  on my site, I put pictures everywhere and I put one video, I might add to that later on.
4. Does it have five pages? 
Yes i have five pages;
Cool Facts 
Pictures + Videos 
Volcano Safety 
and Reference   
5. The features of Apple iWeb. What is working. What is not working in the web application.
Everything is working, so i didn't have any troubles.
7. Do you have an Emergency Plan? Do you have a reference page?
Yes, I do have a Emergency Plan but i don't have a reference page.
8. You must take screen-shots of your...iWeb,Delicious bookmarks and Google Docs
 I haven't used Google Docs yet but i will use it later. 
My Delicious

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week 3

1.Look at and Review over websites listed below. Answer questions in your blog what did you like about the website? Compare and contrast with another website. Features, buttons, colors, layout, multimedia
The RedBloodClub wasn't good, it didn't have any information, it just had links, it didn't show anything.
The HRODC site was also bad the site was hard to read and it was very busy and boring.
The fast cars site was good, it was simple, it had information
2.News articles - Natural Disasters....find two articles save them in your delicious account. Briefly write about the natural disaster in your blogger.
I found a article about the flood in Myanmar Junta.
2.Find examples of 'good' and 'bad' website design. Write a blog post and hyperlink to one 'good' web page and one 'bad' web page. Describe and explain why you have chosen these. Discuss how you could use some of the features you found on these websites in your Disaster website. Remember you must consider the following parameters: Navigation, Colour scheme, Alignment of objects and text, Spelling and Grammar...what else is important? ( good website)
this is a good website because it has good information,its not very busy, its not boring, it has pictures, the colors are simple. This site would help me alot in my project because I understand the words and its very clear.   (bad website)
this is a bad website because it doesn't have any good information, its very boring, it has alot of links and it doesn't look interesting.  I wouldn't want to read this to help in my project because it has alot of words i don't understand it has alot of information that i might not need and alot of links. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009



Why is communication so important during an emergency?

I think Communication is important during an emergency because it helps the people faster you can call people or use skype, messenger and ask for help. Or you can tell them about the dangers so they might get help. You can use blackberrys,I Phones,Television, etc........

What forms of communication have been used during recent disasters e.g Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami

Some forms of communication which have been used during recent disasters were television, Online communication , Mobile Phones, facebook ,radio, etc .....

What essential information needs to be communicated during a disaster or emergency?
1. That a disaster is coming or happening 

2. To be prepared

3. To have somewhere to live if their house has been damaged or blown away

4. To have food and water 

What information can be created before the emergency? What information needs to be communicated during the emergency?

Information Created before the emergency can tell everyone in that area that there will be a hurricane or tsunami etc .... and they would have to get ready.

They could use Internet, I phones, Television, etc....... 

What hardware and software is required to be able to communicate online?

Mobiles, Laptops, I pods, Computers

A. How can I make use of established and emerging WWW tools to support online publication?

b. What are the best tools to use for effective communication online?

C. How can the Internet be used to help a community prepare for and survive a disaster?

It can help by telling alot of people the dangers happening, they could use facebook and other sites  and let everyone know about what's happening in the world. Everyone uses the internet.