Thursday, March 26, 2009


 This Is one of our examples of bullying 

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Week 1 - Find Websites for bullying,
Week 2 - Make The Games
Week 3 - Continue Making the Games
Week 4 - Add Finishing Touches

Changes in our plan-
Week 1 - Find websites about bullying
Week 2 - Make the Games
Week 3 - Changed Project
Week 4 - finish power point nd add finishing touches


4. Comment on how well you worked on the project.
I think i did good on the project, i worked well but Mr.Jones thinks that i didnt do anywork.
5.What did you do well?
i did the pwerpoint slides well
6. What could you improve upon?
Maybe i could add a little of information to our powerpoint
7.What would you do differently...and why?
I Wanted to do games but it didnt work out well, if we had much more time i would do games because it is more interesting to know about.
8. Compare your predicted time plan with the actual project process and give reasons for changes.
it was diffrent because we took more time finding websites for games and at the end we didnt do games we changed our prject to power point.

9. Comment on any difficulties you had while doing this project and how you overcame them.
we had troubled with finding games to do, we first overcame them by making the games animations but then we didnt have time so we changed it to power point.
10.Mention feedback you received from your testers and summarise / analyse the results.
My Teacher Got very ngry beasue he said that we didnt do anything and that we dont have screen shot, i agree on the screen shots but we didnt have any because we didnt have anything to picture but now beacause we finished our Power Point presentation i will now put som scree shots on my blogger :D
11. Explain the impact of your project. product on;
• Yourself - I learnt alot about bullying adn i created a great power point presentation to help kids being bullyed.
• Others - I gave information for kids being bullied to be much more safe and not be scared to tell an adult.
• The environment/society - It ,aked the playgrounds in school safer to be in and also other places.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

We have spent the last 2 weeks trying to find websites that show us how to make games but we couldn't find anything , now we decided to change our group from games to a bullying power point. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Me and my group spent the last 4 lessons trying to find sites that show us how we could make games and animations.