How is it used in everyday life for communication or creativity?
We can use it in everyday life.We can take it to school to help us finish projects or ask for homework on email if were absent. At home we can use it to go online or to find reasearch.We can draw pictures and find pictures as creativity.
Where do you get it? How much does it cost? What are the brands and models available?
To get this you can order it from Amazon or you can buy it at Virgin Mega Store,Jarir bookstore and alot of other places.If you want to order it from Amazon then it will be $1,119.99.If you buy it from Jarir bookstore or Virgin Mega Store then it will be close to 2,000 QR. There are alot of diffrent brands for HP. There are types that you can flip there are types that stay still.
How is it or could it be used for learning at school?
It can help you on your homeworks,projects , searching for information,going on diffrent websites and alot of other things. You can also use dictonary if you dont have a book dictonary and you can find pictures on alot of diffrent.